Friday, July 10, 2009

The Demise of PPSMI..

I can actually try to look at the bigger picture about this whole issue... but the wastage and flip flop manner in which our gahmen carries itself does make one wonder whether this reversal is a populist decision. By Muhyiddin's (MOE) own admission, only 19.2% of secondary teachers and 9.96% primary teachers teaching Maths and Science are proficient in English shows very glaringly how inept the MOE has been in tackling the problem of delivery and also what I think is the main problem... the competency of teachers.

I am sure studies conducted also do not take into consideration students' attitude towards their own education these days. For many of my students, I would say that it doesn't quite matter what the medium of instruction is. You can teach in Swahili cos they're basically just not bothered. And such students are the majority today. But for the better students, Math and Science in English had actually done them good.

But the MOE think that with more contact hours in English and the introduction of literature and drama, grammar, composition would make a difference. Or the hiring more retired English teachers for that matter. They should have hired competent retired teachers to teach Math and Science in Primary School at the start of the PPSMI. That would have probably made a world of difference.

And now the Deputy PM says the achievements of students in Maths and Science has seen a decline ever since the use of English as a medium of instruction. Passing percentage has remained almost he same. There is no drastic drop or rise... so if at the global stage our standing has dropped something like 10 places, I don't think English as the medium of instruction is the issue. Why can't the people up there just see the root of the problem... our schools today are staffed by incompetent teachers... not from the language point of view..... I am tempted to go into the synonyms of stupid.... idiots... morons... imbeciles.... to describe our politicians.... But for now the, ignorance will suffice! Either that or they're just simply ostriches who refused to take their heads out of the sand!

I taught (and am still at it) English in rural and suburban schools before the pre-PPSMI and during PPSMI. I could see improvement in my Form 1 students this year. They are supposed to have been taught completely in English. They're grasp of language is even better than my Form 2. But now, because Manek Urai is just around the corner and also some other reasons, we'll never quite know whether coming to a middle ground might have been better for the country in the longer run.

English.. it's a language we need to master. We were on par once upon a time. Then we lost that edge and started languishing. And then the effort to try put back a little of that shine from the past.... before we can even actually see results, it's taken off again. I am not saying that Maths and Science should be taught in English.... maybe if they remove PPSMI but truly want to upgrade our English... make a pass in English compulsory in SPM, perhaps? The Minister says they are mulling that... but knowing how they bow to pressure groups, that may just be a statement to justify and appease.

The gahmen says English is important... even acknowledges it... but the things they do don't seem to be able to arrest its decline. Maybe it's time they turn their attention to competency of teachers.... yet another product of mediocrity in the years of NEP.

1 comment:

Noel St Augustine Meldan said...

What has happend to our edu systemm?


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