The story continues... it would have probably died if not for 跟屁虫 the liar... wonder why he keeps lying. Being the successful butt polisher, 跟屁虫’s objektif tercapai...Pengetua. There is another story here too cos after he achieved his objective, he discarded the man who believed him and helped him get to his chair.
Last year he sent out 2 teachers because one of the teachers kept pressuring him to do something about a bully teacher. Yup! A very famous bully teacher existed in the school. She used to cursed students to go lompat mati from buildings, and also sumpah them to die dilanggar lori. Her meanness didn’t stop there. If accounts of students are to be believed, it is horrifying that such teachers are allowed to keep doing that. That teacher went on her own ganging up support blitz... haih! So, despite a meeting involving the top admin where the students poured out their grievances, everything was swept under the carpet.
跟屁虫‘s lying nature is at his best in the aftermath after he sent those 2 teachers out. A deal must have been struck with that bully teacher cos that bully teacher put up messages in the school’s WhatsApp group as well as her Panitia WhatsApp reiterating that she applied out. Dunno why she must made that known to everyone. Then she also thanked 跟屁虫and 跟屁虫‘s Big Momma for their advice, patience and understanding. It is really amazing how kind they were to this bully teacher... The moral of this story here for all teachers is, according to 跟屁虫‘s philosophy, if a teacher has this urge to bully, by all means go all out and bully. In a conforming school, students got no voice. So if teachers feel they want to go giler... it is fine. He as the Principal will protect the teacher and provide all the necessary advice.... he will find carpets to sweep them under. 😂Actually, he does that cos he doesn’t like mah fan.
But that story above will be continued another day. Now, the amazing lies that 跟屁虫is capable of. Soon after students found out, a few students took to the social media and ranted. Funny how harsh 跟屁虫 and his band of Pak (Mak)Turut(s) can be. If we go by the way he handled the teacher bully, he should be totally accepting and understanding of the students rants. After all, bad behaviour?? Small matter nia. It should be allowed just as the teacher bully was allowed to do all kinds of mean things to student and then considered as biasa... boleh diterima. But, the poor student was hauled up, even the police was used to intimidate that poor kid.... And the kid wasn’t even showing bad behavior. Poor use of language maybe but basically she was just voicing an opinion. That’s supposed to be a good thing. Supposed a PAK21 desired skill. And 跟屁虫 told the kid, he tried to explain to the two teachers who were transferred out. But those 2 teachers turned their backs and did not want to listen to him. LIE NUMBER ONE
Next, 跟屁虫 talked to a teacher in the school... He told this teacher, let’s called her Pn M. He said the the 2 teachers are really good teachers, very hardworking. He and his big Momma assistant were very shocked when they received their letters of transfer. He told Pn M, maybe the 3 of them after discussing with the PPD, the two teachers also decided to transfer. Lol! This 跟屁虫 really good at spinning stories... the worm that he is... memang sah. LIE NUMBER TWO
The spins keep coming... 跟屁虫 is an incorrigible liar. He continues to spread the word around... he goes round and tells another teacher... almost the same thing.. it is actually none of his business. He claimed that the two teachers applied to transfer out. And that the 2 teachers and the bully teacher discussed with the PPD and all agreed to transfer out. WEI... he got otak in between his ears onot??? Lying is in his DNA. The two teachers never asked for transfer. LIE NUMBER THREE
Now.. let’s have some real story. The two teachers were damn mad at 跟屁虫 and went to see him. But earlier they had been told by the office to collect their letters of transfer from the clerk. They insisted on seeing him. He had no choice but to see them. Now for some truth...This was what happened actually. When the teachers walked in, he sat at his chair, madness that seemed to be reeking from his eyes. The two teachers tried to ask him the reason for the transfers and the response was most the CACAT ever... He went on and on like a dead broken record why it was not his business... at one one point he said, “Who are you to question me?” At no given point was there any civil discussion... The man who sat in front... behaved as though he was worming his way out of a tight situation (he must have had a hand in) like a spoilt brat.... And at one point, he asked to office boy to show the teachers out of his office.... THERE YOU HAVE IT... this same worm who went round telling other teachers how shocked he was to know of the transfers... etc, etc... He was lying and lying and lying.
To be able to sit in the chair of a Pengetua by being a 跟屁虫... well, I think it can still be quite accepted though he makes a good joke... but to be a 跟屁虫 and want to sit in the high chair but use lies to cover up ... well... I guess we can all now learn many things from him. Oh ya! the message for the teachers... if you see a kid being bullied, or beaten up by a mad teacher... do nothing. Cos if you cannot tahan seeing that, and keep pushing... you get punished. So, better practice the 5Ks (Ka Ki Ko Ka Ki). There is another interesting story on this NONE OF MY BUSINESS angle... and it should make parents squirm that a school can be so callous about their children’s safety...
For one, it should be okay for students and teachers to lie their way through to anything cos that is his signature style... Oh ya... a student told me that he has another moniker.., WongWong....
KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN... Semua sila ikut contoh 跟屁虫. Hidup 跟屁虫!!!! From now on, that should be the motto of the school... Falsafah 跟屁虫. 😂🤣😂
Oh ya! Hope karma goes one circle and land on their children and grandchildren... at least I’m not cursing here.... but maybe WongWong is saying that everyone who has an issue with him should ... ???
This is from an earlier post...
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