Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Say what you mean...

.... mean what you say. They may sound almost the same but hold different meanings. Cos the former says what is in the heart. The latter may just be words you say for reasons known to you but still after they have been uttered, you have to try to honour them.

Saying what you mean is probably easier on the conscience cos it doesn't create conflict for yourself per se. Meaning what you say is more complicated as what you say is not actually what you believe in but you say it for various reasons. It's not actually what you hold on to.

That's probably one thing that all of us come face to face everyday with people around us. And I am reminded by this verse from Matthew 5:27; Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

The first and second parts are easy to understand... it's the third part (anything beyond this comes from the evil one) that has finally sunken into my head. Saying what you mean, on many issues might land you into squirmy situations; so we dwell on the vague but that also land us into squirmy situations, albeit the ones on the opposite end.

'Yes' and 'No' are simple words. But the execution of them is sometimes very difficult because we inherently want to please people and ourselves. So, sometimes we mouths lots of untruths to cover one half-truth for another. The cycle repeats itself until lo and behold, suddenly you have a hill of half-lies, full-lies (a lie is a lie actually). It becomes its own vicious cycle. Some people call it compromise.

The battles take place in your mind; each time we don't say what we mean or mean what we say.... anything beyond the yes and no; they come from the evil one.

So, simple as this may sound, this one sentence sums up another one of life's priceless lessons for me, of how we can avoid a lot of problems in our lives by just living up to the Yes and No. But to live up to it... it's certainly a tall order, cos we're not just up against those two 3-letter words. In them, contain all the desires and moral absolutes and each time we utter any one of these 2 words, a tug-of-war begins in our minds.

I've always more or less know this but it sort of became clearer lately. My ramblings for the day.

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