Monday, August 24, 2009

Microsculpting and Tinkering...

For a change I'm going to focus on the marvellous and wonderful things that we, humans are capable of.. sometimes despite a disability.
willard wigan
Enter the world of Willard Wigan. Ever heard of micro sculpting? Can you imagine a sculpture on a pinhead or in a needle hole? They're so tiny that you need to use a microscope to see it! Marvellous pieces of art he's come up with! You've got to see it to believe. BTW, he's dyslexic!

This is a video with him describing his work. It's worth a watch!

And this guy.. Gever Tulley. I like his style... he started a summer school called The Tinkering School. The things that he encourages and allows kids to do at his summer school; most of us would balk or flip over.. play with fire, give them a pocket knife to own, throw a spear, deconstruct appliances (in other words, take apart he appliances at home), break the copyright laws....for digital media, drive a car for the under-aged kid.... but I think kids learn better from first hand experience.

They are life's lessons. Do we allow our children to tinker? Hardly, right? Kids today are too busy cramming theories. I've got friends with grown up kids who still holler for their parents to go change a blown light.... and the distance that separates them??? It's a couple of hundred kilometres. Learning by tinkering... growing up, that's what we used to do when we had so much time to play (as in real play and not the computer games). Kinda different what our kids go through, right? I'm going to start with my kids.....


ppearl said...

when i tinkered i.e. broke things as a child i always received punishment........

AJ7 said...

so if Cavebaby starts to tinker and break... you'll be super understanding. LOL!

PreciousPearl said...

no, she'll probably get a spank!


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