Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday Night Out...

This is not the norm but after badminton yesterday night, we decided to go out for supper. School is still off. The kids don't have to get up early. I don't have to get up early also. 8) Ning is back for her mid-term break and I've not seen her for a long time. So after rushing home to bathe, Ling, Siah, Jovaynne TH, Son, Daughter and I headed for town.

Suffice to say, this being the Raya break ... our first stop saw us making a U-turn out. The newest KFC in town was packed to the brim. I've never seen so many cars in that area since those days when Hankyu Jaya had sales. And the lines were so long.... this is Alor Setar, not enough places for people to go hang out, I supposed. Deprived lot we are... So few places and so many people brought back by this annual festive migration that Malaysia is so famous for.

Next stop was the Sansui hawker centre on Jln Putera. Had our stomachs filled there. The two older gals had a field day. Two boys were no match for them. Girls are natural at yakking...

It's nice to do this once in a while. I've generally watch these young adults and soon-to-be young adults from their kiddo days... They're growing up, I am growing older. We're all at different stops in the circle of life that we're in.....

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