Sunday, May 2, 2010


Two posts in a row with the same title... was just thinking of the changes that are constantly taking place around us. Everyday, something changes. But we're often quite oblivous to it, unless it's something that shakes the ground we stand on. But there are times too when we pretend not to notice it.

Being oblivious is probably one that quite often is the case. Oblivious cos very often we're comfortable in our cozy little corner. Changes might mean inconvenience or even uncertainty. And being comfortable it's much easier to shut ourselves from it.

We have a Canon Ixus 110IS. When we first got it, this digital camera felt sleek and cool. Then early this year, Son needed a camera cos he was going to Cambodia. So I got another, a Canon Ixus 200IS since he was going to be away quite long. Been 3 months since I last held the former. Today, I used it... and I realised that the once sleek gadget has lost its sleekness. The Ixus 200IS is sleeker, lighter and thinner. If the 'change' had not been forced on me, I think I'd happily continue to think that my 100IS is the sleekest camera still.... Very often our lives are like that too... we don't realise (or want) changes that are happening cos we think what we have is okay.... and so we miss out on the changes that might add more spice or even give that oomph to our lives.

Changes... it happens in every facet of our lives; relationships, in upgrading ourselves, the way we deal with issues... the list is quite endless. These last 2-3 years have been a journey of discovery for me. I learned this, when I am willing to change, usually what awaits is something quite better too. Changes sometimes means leaving behind some of the things we hold on to (sometimes quite dearly); our possessions, our inhibitions, our thoughts, our relationships..... sometimes they pull us back, hinder us from more. And I've learned that, sometimes letting them go can be quite hard... but the discoveries made along the way have also taught me that letting go and embracing those changes can be quite an adventure too... 8)

Sometimes we close our eyes to those changes... we continue to bear with the familiar, telling ourselves that embracing change would be far too much trouble. Better not to rock the boat and disrupt our already smooth sailing. Life goes on too...

Ignorance to changes? Well, being foolish is not something that we can do much about. Everyone of us is foolish at one time or the other. Getting out of the ignorance is hard and we need all the help we can get. But life goes on too... If you're lucky, family and good friends come into the picture and point us to changes, making us more aware of it.

Changes... For me, I think we should embrace the changes that help us live our lives more meaningfully, though sometimes it sometimes may have uncertainties at the beginning. You would be 'richer' for the effort than none at all. Just my random ramblings... incidentally Son goes back to NS today...


Unknown said...

I say to myself 'change before it's too late!!' - try new things and enjoy . Just go out and meet new friends or do something different, even little things and life need never be boring!

AJ7 said...

Yup! That's what I tell myself a lot these days.... but to change is difficult cos our very first reaction is always to say no....

But changes can actually be quite liberating, fun... a journey of discovery too. Thanks for dropping by.


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