In the evenings, you often see people waving pieces of paper by the roadside. When I was younger I often wondered why people would stop and buy a piece of seemingly worthless

So how good are your chances of striking it big? If you think the odds are okay...then you are dead wrong! It's a loser's game. If you look at the people who buy lottery tickets, you'll find that majority of those people who buy the tickets are from the lower income groups. There was a study conducted in the States which found that poverty is a central reason as to why people buy lotteries.
Lotteries actually set off a vicious cycle that not only exploits low-income group's desires to escape poverty but also directly prevents them from improving their financial situations. I mean, how do you improve your financial situation if whatever extra cash that you may have goes towards the lottery tickets. Most people don't actually keep a tab on how much they spend on their lottery tickets purchase. But I am sure if they sit down and do, they'd be surprised how much goes to it. It's just like the ciggy! You burn without realizing how much you are burning...or the mobile...you keep reloading ...... but then again, probably they are just being the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand.
At the end of the day, it's still the rich exploiting the poor. Mathematically speaking, you can't win this game. But hope keeps them going. Truly a vicious cycle at work here!