Monday, May 16, 2011


Everyone of us waits. We spend our whole life waiting. We wait excitedly for happy occasions. We dread the sad and inevitable occasions. We wait and wait.... it's the state of waiting that makes the difference; happy, excited, worried, dread. But no matter how we feel, we still have to wait for the end to the waiting.

We cannot wait to for the time to come when we can leave home. We wait for our results. We wait for our friends. We wait for special days. We wait for our wedding day. We wait for for our first baby. We wait for more. We wait for their first day at school. We wait for them to graduate. We wait for them to get married. We wait for our first grandkid. We wait and wait.

We wait for our first interview. We wait for our first job. We wait for our first promotion. We wait to retire. Every waiting brings with it its own set of high and low.

We wait for our headaches to go away. We wait for the holidays to come. Then we wait for it to end.

And we, women wait for our period every month. We wait for it to come. We wait for it not to come. We wait for the signs that a baby is on the way. We wait for the cramps. We wait for the discomfort. We wait for it to be over. Then we wait for the cycle to repeat itself. Then we wait for the cycle to cease. We wait for another phase of our lives. We wait and wait....

We even wait for our time to come, when we have to leave this place.... our whole life is about waiting... and while waiting, we are supposed to fill up those moments. How we fill it, whether the anxiety rules over us, whether we learn to make the best of it, the joy and anticipation that comes with the waiting.... Those feelings are the colours of our lives.

So we live and wait, wait and live.... kinda in a rambling mood today.


PreciousPearl said...

aiyo, AJ7, stop waiting lar, and start living :D

AJ7 said...

Waiting is also living woh... before the excitement begins. LOL!

Dino said...

Congrats!!! New arrival soon?

AJ7 said...

Apa-lah! No! Two also almost gau em tim ad.LOL! Though another one might be nice. Then again, at my age?

Dino said...



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