Saturday, August 16, 2008

The 4 Stages of Life

Read this from The Straits Times on Why They Hate Singapore. The writer is perplexed as to why the highly-educated and well travelled Singaporeans who studied in Oxford, Cambridge, Sydney, Yale, etc. seem to accept the authoritarian rule of their country without much whimper. Got me thinking about the 4 stages of life. It's kinda simplistic but it tickled me..

Stage 1 - which I shall call the obedient stage
This is from birth to right to about 13 years of age. Up till this point, kids listen to everything (well, almost everything) their parents or teachers say. They tend to follow and do as they are told. It's a fun age for parents too as kids are generally compliant. The kids are generally happy too as long as you provide them with the necessary. Think Stage 1, think Singapore....I'll come back to that later.

Stage 2 - this is what I call the insane stage
How long does it last? Oh, I don't really know. For some, it's the late teens, for others it could be the twenties. Yet for some, it could go on forever and ever. I think writers draw their inspiration from this stage when writing about dual personalities and all that. Jekyll and Hyde being one example. Good vs Bad. Kids trying to break out or away to become their own's a crazy existence. And it's a long road...but sanity reigns somehow. What do you think? Does Malaysia fit in here? 8)

Stage 3 - the sane period
Have to be cos this the time we move into the working or family world. Life is spent basically on work and family. Day in, day out the same grind. But you plod on to build a better tomorrow for yourself and your children. Think Stage 3, think China.

Stage 4 - permissive period
You've done the hard work. You sit back and reap the fruits of your labour. You become grandparents. Where once as parents you were strict you are generally more relaxed with your'll tell your kids not to be too harsh on your grandkids. America is probably here....once they held on to solid moral principles. These days, anything goes.

So which stage is better? Singapore can be akin to still being in the first stage. There's little dissent. So they move together for a common goal. In Singapore, her people always say, If the government say this is good, then it must be." Just like a primary school kid...they do well as long as their parents/teachers guide them and they obey. Because everyone moves together...parent and kid, everyone does better.... Maybe Singaporeans know something we don't? LOL!

Malaysia fits the bill of the second stage - the juvenile stage...wasting her energy on trivial matters. Tantrum throwings, bending principles, etc. So long as you get what you want. Principles, justice be damned....very much like the teenagers I deal with daily.

China?? The middle age drive to this rate, not much can go wrong for them...except maybe their human rights thingy. They are working for a better future.

Fourth stage....America??? They've worked's a permissive society now. If they are not careful, the very fabric of their country may tear with the erosion of values which got them where they are today. So, there you have the 4 stages of life, from the micro to the macro. My quirky observation. ROFL!

I wonder whether it's possible to skip Stage 2 and move straight to Stage 3. Would save so much heart aches....etc., etc... Ha! Ha!


Anonymous said...

stg 4 sounds more like Japan. they have so many old folks now that they are importing "new" foreign workers to do the work (and pay their taxes,of course)

my 2p worth for the day

AJ7 said...

Could be...depends on how you look at it. I was making comparison to my growing they are changing over the years. And how their grandparents tell us to ease up with them, etc...


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