Thursday, October 15, 2009

Facades and WYSIWYG

A facade is a structure that is built to be the principal or front face of a building. A facade plays a very important role in giving first impressions. WYSISWY is acronym for what-you-see-is-what-you-get, used to imply a user interface in which the document on screen is similar to the printed document.

I'm reminded this past week of how we can be these 2 words.

Facade - very often what is portrayed or even projected is not the actual. I was recently told "You said that........." by someone whom I thought would not say that and it kinda triggered this facade thought. All along, the projected image was one of openness. But I've realized that it was only a facade, for reasons known and unknown. Openness was only when it suits the flavour of the day, it seems. Her spade was actually not a spade but I was led to believe it was so. So, when the "you said that..." came out and kinda sounded like a blame, guess that's when the facade kinda also became clear. Life's lessons.

But generally most of us are Mr or Ms Facade every now and then or all the time.

WYSIWYG - the opposite of the above. I kinda have learned to appreciate this more even if a person can be really pesky. Cos there is no pretenses. If he's a pain in the butt, that's what he is. And by and by you either learn to accept him for what he really is or just don't at all. It makes your choices easier. When a WYSIWYG shares something good with you, you know it really comes from the heart. However, such kind of people are far and few generally. But they are there. You kinda think how come the facade thingy got past them.

Another one of my ramblings....


Sia Mooi said...

deep thoughts you have...easier to fall into facade because our true colours may not be too pleasant and fear of rejection etc etc. You are very philosophical and deep thinking la...

AJ7 said...

i shall take that as a compliment??? No??? 8)

Sia Mooi said...

It is a compliment!!!

AJ7 said...

Thank you! 8)


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