A blog about everything that interests me...family, friends, interests, country, world..
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Schools have also become grounds to collect donations. I recently saw a brochure from a NGO to seek donation from students. Apparently it's sanctioned by the MOE. And students who donate more than RM100 will be given a certificate signed by none other than our Angkasawan. But at one school, the students said that their school counsellor told them to go canvas for 10 people to give donations or if they cannot do that, donate RM5 themselves. The donation is for the Gaza cause. A friend of mine was questioning how can we be sure that the money will get to the intended people... After all, there is no issuance of receipt even for money given. There is no transparency at all. These days... it's money this and money that. Some schools hold a Bacaan Yasin for their exam students but make them pay money (around RM5); for food. We want to be hospitable but we make our guests pay for our hospitality. Aiyo!
A friend said this recently... all the ferrying her son, the crazy tuition schedules, the long hours that he had to stay back at school... and all for just 3 days of UPSR. A whole year of childhood gone into all that. Now she wonders whether it's worth it. I said most of us will say it's worth it when the momentary joy of seeing the 7A(s) on the result slip. But deep down I wonder too... why have we all turned so siao?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Pendidikan Moral...
- Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan (Belief in God)
- Amanah (Trustworthy)
- Harga Diri (Self Pride)
- Bertanggung jawab (Responsible)
- Hemah tinggi (Cultured???)
- Toleransi (Tolerant)
- Berdikari (Independent)
- Kerajinan (Hardworking)
- Kasih Sayang (Compassion)
- Keadilan (Justice)
- Rasional (Rational)
- Kesederhanaan (Moderate)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Eat, Love, Pray... by Elizabeth Gilbert
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Miss X and Mr Y
Then bring in a little Math and you realize that there is a constant and a variable. The constant here is X and the Y is the variable. In a nutshell, looks like we need X in the world. X is the girl in everyone of us. Yup! Every guy has a girl in them.. LOL!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Syok sendiri...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Free Computers...
Petang tadi saya berkesempatan minum dan makan roti canai dengan beberapa orang kawan yang bekerja sebagai guru. Mendengar daripada topik perbualan mereka, kisah dan cerita yang berlaku di dalam sistem pendidikan negara ini amat membimbangkan saya. Daripada markah lulus (passing mark) untuk subjek Sains dan Matematik yang diubah-ubah untuk mencapai target peratusan lulus sehinggalah kepada soalan UPSR yang bocor hampir setiap tahun.Menurut seorang kawan saya ini, beberapa pelajar yang mendapat keputusan yang sangat cemerlang seperti mendapat "A" di dalam semua subjek di dalam peperiksaan UPSR mereka telah diterima masuk ke sekolah berasrama penuh, tetapi selepas beberapa bulan, mereka dinasihatkan supaya menukar ke sekolah biasa kerana didapati masih tidak menguasai asas pembacaan, penulisan dan pengiraan. Bayangkan, pelajar yang mendapat semua "A" dalam UPSR dinasihatkan keluar dari sekolah berasrama penuh kerana tahap sebenar mereka tidak menggambarkan keputusan UPSR mereka.Menurut kawan-kawan guru ini, projek "menolong Melayu" (kononnya) ini bermula selepas pencapaian markah yang teruk di dalam subjek Sains dan Matematik di kalangan pelajar Melayu apabila pengajaran dalam bahasa Inggeris mula-mula diperkenalkan untuk kedua-dua subjek ini. Pada mulanya, langkah menurunkan markah lulus (passing mark) dilakukan hanya sebagai 'quick fix' sahaja kerana untuk mengelakkan kejutan dan menjaga air muka jabatan dan kementerian pendidikan. Tetapi amalan mengubah-mengubah markah lulus sudah menjadi budaya dan mula sebati di dalam sistem. Menurut kawan-kawan guru ini, mereka terkejut bagaimana ramai murid yang mereka mengajar setiap hari boleh mendapat "A" di dalam peperiksaan sebenar UPSR sedangkan markah kebiasaan yang diperolehi sepanjang ujian dan peperiksaan percubaan hanya sekitar 25% sahaja.Menurut kawan-kawan guru, golongan atasan di dalam Jabatan Pendidikan amat menjaga "KPI" mereka yang berdasarkan kepada peratusan kelulusan dan juga peratusan mendapat "A". Lagi pun ini untuk "membantu Melayu", kata mereka.Penyakit ini ditambah juga oleh satu barah yang lain, iaitu soalan peperiksaan UPSR yang bocor setiap tahun. Kebocoran kertas soalan UPSR inilah yang menghasilkan pelajar yang layak masuk ke sekolah berasrama penuh, tetapi masih terkial-kial untuk menulis dan membaca. Menurut kawan-kawan guru ini, 10 tahun yang lepas, mereka senang untuk meramalkan pelajar yang akan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang atau yang gagal di dalam UPSR kerana keputusan peperiksaan sebenar juga lebih menyerupai keputusan ujian dan peperiksaan percubaan yang dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah. Tetapi pada hari ini, keputusan UPSR mengejutkan mereka. Pelajar yang tidak pernah lulus di dalam peperiksaan di sekolah sepanjang tahun tiba-tiba mendapat "A" di dalam UPSR.Menurut kawan-kawan guru ini, kebiasaanya Terengganu ialah negeri di mana bermulanya soalan UPSR yang bocor. Ini kerana kertas peperiksaan UPSR akan tiba lebih awal di atas pulau-pulau yang mempunyai sekolah-sekolah. Saya tidak tahu samada polis juga bersubahat kerana kertas peperiksaan ini disimpan di balai polis.Mampus lah kita macam ni...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
With a pinch of salt...
What about testimonials of people? Sometimes you get email about what a person says about his faith only to find out later that it's just half truths or even worse, no truth. The point is, these days truth can be masked and untruths can be passed on as truths. And we are no better than before... Too much information can bring about more headaches too.... one pinch of salt may not enough often times. LOL!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
P For Peril... by Sue Grafton
And this wraps up the 40 books for the year. It isn't the meeting of a target that matters, though it helps that I was keeping track of my readings. I've still some unfinished books lying around which I'm trying to finish... one of them a biography of John Sung which is in the form of a physical book. Cannot carry it around cos it's just too thick and I'm usually beat by bedtime. So, it's still sitting in (and on) my table waiting to be finished. And I've bought a couple more other books which are lying around the house too, waiting to be read.
Reading is good. It sharpens my mind. It makes me think. Tales may be fictitious but the human mind creates stories from likely situations. Reading helps you see them and you begin to start looking at bigger pictures of things that happen in your own life. On to more books.... 8) I've 3 plus months before the year ends.... might not have so 'much' time to read after this since I've more things to do at home now.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Card Making During the Hols...
Mini mass production of wedding invitation cards! This is the second time we're (Other Half and I) doing this. I wouldn't dream of doing this if Other Half does not pitch in and help. Designing is his forte.... We did our first batch last year, for another friend's son's wedding. This time around, our Little One pitched in to help and offer ideas ever so willingly. Our boy on the other hand had to be persuaded to help. Kids! I've one on each side of the spectrum. One who wants to spend as much time as possible with us and the other, who seems happy to be in his own world (which includes his FB) and oblivious to us.
And it's also a time when all the tools that I've amassed over the years come into good use; plus it's also good excuse to get some more. 8)

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Finally, our Malaysia Day...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ending of Hols
2 blissful weeks. Going back to school means the usual harried year-end stuff. I had my hands full with the SUPA Camp as well as clearing up of the house these past 2 weeks. Even washed all the flower pots and their stands around the house with Other Half and our gal. I've thrown and given away sackfuls of stuff. Yet when I look around, things still look more or less the same. Unless I open the cupboards and look inside, the change can be seen. Life is like that too, I realise. What we throw out or put into our hearts... it can't really be seen... until you act. The act opens us up and lets others see us as we are!
There are major adjustments to be made too with the opening of the final semester. There will be inconveniences but there are good things behind those inconveniences too, I believe. And always, those friends who pitch in and make light those days for us. Am thankful.
It's almost the same feeling I get these days whenever the school break comes to an end... with a sigh that it's back to the grind again. Then again, without the grind, there will be no welcomed breaks! Life's twist! No pain no gain. Easy life, we become soft...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Don't Judge A Man Until You Close His Coffin
MM Lee is 87 this year... his mind is still sharp. He's blessed than most but also mortal like everyone of us. Growing old... it's a hard on everyone. And no one escapes it.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
SUPA Camp 2010... Video Version
SUPA Camp 2010 from amech7 on Vimeo.
Watching the video brings back many of the priceless moments at the Camp. I think all who went were blessed one way or the other.
Kids are so same yet different. Each one has his/her own personality... character, even quirkiness. But one thing remains, they are all precious in God's eyes. It's been a while since I dealt with kids at this age. I am humbly reminded that as a kid around that age, I was blessed by people whose commitment and love for God made it memorable for us too. Mrs. Tay, Ms Teoh.... I recently met Mrs. Tay and at 80++ she looks really good and still can drive. And she can still call me by name! Awesome!
We showed most of it on the last night. It's a change for the kids to watch themselves starring in their own movie for a change. LOL! And I think many of them enjoyed watching their own and friends' antics.
Skits, hike, waterfall dipping, cookout on a charcoal stove, quiet time, teaching sessions... to those who made it possible, God bless you all!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hoard, hoard and hoard...
I must have thrown and given out a few gunny sacks of stuff.... toys, books, papers, clothes, pots and pans.... etc, etc.
We're all hoarders. Things that we get, we develop affinity, even though we don't use them at all sometimes. Then there are things which we use but then after a while lose their usefulness. We simpan them also. So, the piles continue to grow, the empty spaces in the cupboards filled up. I think space becomes a commodity as the years pass and they spill onto the corners. Dust gathers... yet still we hoard.
Most of us have this 'beh-kam' feeling of throwing things away. We store away telling ourselves that someday we might need them. And then before we know it, we'd have forgotten about them..... until you do a spring cleaning and find them.
Yet there are some who keep because the things hold sentimental values. They become keepsakes and sometimes even family heirlooms. They hold value to us because of the people (or places???) behind them.
But sometimes we hoard because we are lazy to make a decision to throw... indecision is very much a part of many of us. We don't throw cos sometimes in throwing things we're reminded of our wastefulness or that we've been spendthrifts; there's this little voice of conscience still bugging us... by hoarding we appease our guilt feelings.
I am going to try to throw or give away anything that I don't see or use for 6 months. I'd like less clutter. Filled cupboard with things not used only become roach playground or silverfish to have a field day building tunnels. Some things will be of better use given away. Keep them 10 years and you actually deprive someone its use for 10 years.
Hoarding.... it's a penyakit that many of us are afflicted with.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
More on SUPA Camp 2010
A Camp is incomplete without hitting the outdoors. Since we had really small kids with us, we swapped stream trotting for waterfall dipping. And they had fun.. thankfully this place is still clean. Our Malaysian rubbish mentality is the reason for the spate of leptospirosis in our rivers.... Sheesh!!!!
Been over 20 years since I attended a camp where I had to 'rough' it out like this. However, even this is luxurious by our standards those days. But it was fun; something which is good for the kids. It's always good for kids to know about God, to have that compass in their life, to know that they are loved. Faith keeps us going when the going gets tough in life. And tough times ebb and flow in our lives.
Monday, September 6, 2010
SUPA Camp 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The Lucky One... Nicholas Sparks
Then he gets an honourable discharge, goes home, meets up with his old marine buddy from Iraq. His buddy dies while a boat sliced into theirs on a fishing trip. He survives yet again. With some prompting from this same buddy, he sets out to find the lady in the photo, with his dog, Zeus.
He finds her in a small town, falls in love with her and fits right into her life. Suspense and thrill appear when the ex-husband tries to put a wedge.
It's a typical Nicholas Sparks book in the sense that it tugs at your heart strings....
Friday, September 3, 2010
I'm Right and You're Wrong
Thursday, September 2, 2010
'Pregnant' School Opening Soon...
Education in doldrums... An already broken education system given a really hard whack by Covid-19. I used to read about pandemics, that a b...

A little more about my alma mater, ACS Sitiawan. I am sure we often think of our school friends. After all, friends from our age of innocenc...
3 years ago, they initiated steps to ban corporal punishments. Now they say they want to bring back caning to curb indiscipline. For once, ...
For some reason, the English equivalent of the term slips my mind and seems no where near grasp. It's Sukantara season now. For the unin...