Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm Right and You're Wrong

How often do you think you are right? Or perhaps I should ask it this way. How often do you think you are wrong? We are very righteous people and we like to think that we're right most of the time, if not all the time. We get indignant very quickly. Regret and remorse take a long time to grow roots.

As soon as awareness and consciousness set at puberty, we tend to think we are right. And I think that's one reason why teenagers rebel... parental rules are rarely in their favour. If we pick an argument with a teenager, it's more likely to end up with lots of whys, hows and finger pointing that we are making their lives difficult.

But guess what, into adulthood too we carry this 'way of thinking'. To admit wrong or even to back down takes a lot of humility and sensibility. We think we are right...

What got me thinking? Watching 2 friends have a misunderstanding due to mis-communication or the lack of communication, reminded me of one which I went through some time back. Very often we seem to be communicating, but often too the communication that takes place is from our point of view. There is also this tendency to negate the other party's perspective when this stance is adopted... it becomes a mis-communication created by us.

I'm right, you are wrong.... sometimes it's just easier to walk away and leave that all behind. The art of negotiation involves 2 parties.... communication is also 2-way, it takes 2 to tango, everyone wants to walk away winning.... these days, I don't see any good in the win.


Dino said...

Nowadays, if its going to lead to a confrontation, i just say "whatever" and leave the crime scene. I hate arguing when it gets nowhere.

PreciousPearl said...

as a former teacher used to say, "Do what I tell you to do, not what I do...."

daboss said...

don't like, suak!!!

AJ7 said...

3 different responses... LOL! I think we do all of them. 8)


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