Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Courage to change what I can....

I was looking for stuff in the web last week and came across this prayer by Niebuhr. It's a prayer that I am familiar with but somehow it meant more of late. Anyway, the same prayer came to light again a conversation.

Sometimes, we get sucked into situations which also can be habit forming. Before long, it eats into us, slowly, taking a chunk of us away and robbing us of possibilities. We know and realise something should be done, yet we are unable to, because it is hard to give it up. And sometimes too, the people whom we depend to look out for our interests also fail us because they too are caught in their own web of desires. Change needs courage and wisdom. If we can see that, accepting those we cannot change but changing those within our power, then, perhaps we will be able to reach out to the sky and claim that which is ours.

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