Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brave New World... by Aldous Huxley

This is number 31 and it's an old, old book. Published in 1931, this sci-fi contains a lot of ideas which must have seemed a bit far-fetched at its publication but as I read through again (I've read it before a long time ago) I found it rather interesting. Reason I decided to pick it up again was because Tim said he wanted to read it cos it had something to do with transhumanism... Okay, back to the book!

It's the future. The civilized world is made up of decanted humans.... in multiples; same 'product' from one egg. Viviparous births are looked upon as loathsome. The humans are decanted and conditioned for specific functions....labelled as Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, Epsilons... (and of course, Alphas are the smartest). But they are all systematically dumbed down through conditioning and drugs. Happiness is the goal of the society.... (but somehow it feels like a running away from life itself). God is made absent. People take 'soma' (drug induced) holiday. Soma is also a medium of escapism. And humans are conditioned from birth. Family, parents, monogamous relationships are out. Everyone can have everyone. There is no individual identity, only collective. Transhumanism is seen in the way science is used to preserve youth till you die, bliss through soma, conditioning not to fear death.... science is used to create 'shallow' people, unquestioning people, unthinking.....

It was difficult to get into the rhythm of reading cos the early part of the book was rather dry. But after all the practice that I've been getting of late from the various books that I read, I've learned that most books get better as you move along. Brave New World is no exception. I actually found myself wanting to know the ending; to Mr. Savage (John), brought up in the Savage Reservation, where the old ways still hold.

I bet people must have found it hard to believe such a scenario would exist back then when the book was published. But look around and I find many of the book's theme happening in our world today. Multiple sexual partners for one (The Star had a comprehensive report on what seems to a 'sexual revolution' among our young teens)... the breaking down of the family unit (just look at the number of single parents and children out of wedlock). And then religion, we may seem more religious, but religion today is back to being a political tool to divide and rule the people.

As in the book, the dumbing down of people numbs them from thinking beyond their own happiness.... and in the end like Mr. Savage, conflict desires added with collective 'pressure' to adhere and values/beliefs made him lose it all.

So, this old book still can pack a punch in making the reader think... that's if we're not dumbed down enough yet. Serious reading among many of our young is another area under siege today...


Unknown said...

It takes stamina to finish a dry book, especially at the start of it. Yes, reading magazines etc is easier and serious reading needs to be cultivated.

AJ7 said...

Yup! Either stamina or just plain stubborness. For me, most of the time it's the latter. I just refused to be beaten by a book. 8)


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