Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This blog...

... has served as a reminder, of good times, events, food, books, rants, places, the cycles that perpetuate or repeat themselves... in my more reflective moments, it reminds me of this same with a little altered sequence that most of us seem to follow. From the birth of a life to the closing chapters of death, the events that dot my timeline; this blog has served as a reminder of sorts to me.

I recently discovered an old letter to my sis which I never did post. As I read through, it reminded me of some of the things that dotted my life. Little things that I had forgotten. That's what this blog has been... that sort of reminder of my forgotten details.

I sometimes read through the old posts... It reminds me to stay consistent. It reminds me to be the things that I sometimes feel not like doing. It reminds me to count my blessings. To apply the Eucharisteo in my life. To rise above my emo-ness.

And the friends and visitors who dropped by; the comments left behind. Those are like little footprints, left by them. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes they encouraged, yet at other times there are those who rant and scold... to the point of being rude. But they remind me of life with its roses and thorns. We can never find everyone to agree with us. Nor for everyone who will treat us fair. We might even get a few stabs from those whom we care deeply about too.

When I started blogging, I didn't know how long I'd last. When I first began, writing out a piece took more time. These days, they take much less. And in writing I find myself thinking and consolidating. I find myself thinking through many more things. I find the expression of words in writing helping me process my thoughts. A processed thought might end up differently after the the writing process cos I have to put my thoughts down in organized words.... it helps somehow. It doubles appreciation, it reduces anger....

I think writing is a form of training the mind to be critical; which our kids do so little of these days. Many of us plagiarize these days.... A study on American undergrads show that the writing skill is on the decline. My own experience as an educator tells me that there are less who can write now, even among my own colleagues.

I don't know how long I'll be able to keep at this.... life is a cycle. After a while maybe everything will feel so same that I might just stop. I don't know. But for now, whenever the itch comes....

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