Monday, January 5, 2009

To build it takes....

It took more than four years for oil to go from US$35 per barrel in 2004 to just above $147 in July last year, but less than six months to go all the way down again. Today's price is $47. The data fascinated me cos it reinforces in me yet again today that positive trends take longer to build. Once you move into the negative zone, it's akin to coming down the ski slope super fast.

That's how life is like too... to build a character, relationships.....just practically anything that requires building, seems to take forever and requires a lot of work. To destroy.....just one word, one deed.... quick and easy.

Everything on this planet of ours is kinda inter-related in one way or another. Lotsa lessons to be learned either way.


Anonymous said...

hmm... very chim... but i agree with you.

*runs to a corner to think more*

AJ7 said...

need to run to a corner meh?? LOL!!! can sit in your comfy chair-lah.


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