Friday, May 15, 2009

The most stressful job...

...and the award goes to.... MOMS!!!

And these last couple of days.... one word to describe me... TIRED! The kind of tiredness that knocks you flat. And it's only May... Cannot wait for the next round of hols to start! I started the year feeling good; energetic. Five months into the year and one whirl after another... the tank seems to be reaching Empty. These last couple of days, I feel as if I'm on auto mode. And it's on days like these that I turn to coffee! So that I remain lucid and not rant and rave over nothing. Nah! I'm off coffee still. Almost became dependent on it again a couple of weeks back. Close shave! Had headache for a few days after I stopped. It's back to taking it sparingly... on a need to basis, as in really need, as in yesterday! Pathetic, huh?

Apart from being moms to the kids... there is the house... sweep, mop, iron, paint, food on the table... blah and blah! I'm thankful for the daily help that I get to clean the house. And the caterer. Tell me, how often do you hear dads doing all those stuff without being told??? Moms... they are the driver, the maid, the Minister of Home Affairs.... the list is quite endless. Moms... ! I am a working mom... so these become added stress.

Some say be a stay-at-home mom. I've contemplated that. But I think work helps me keep my cool. Work place is where I regain some sanity sometimes cos it gives me the break from all the 'madness' of a growing family. Apart from the financial independence and also the control of my own life that it gives, it allows me to meet up with friends and lepas tension. And it gives me a good reason to go out for something meaningful, though sometimes I too crap about work. One can only go window shopping that many times before it becomes a mindless activity.

So, being a Mom... I guess it can be rather stressful. Work becomes therapeutic after chasing the kids, ... and sometimes Other Half... then the dust... the pet fish; everything at home!

So, if you still have your moms with you, show them your appreciation... where we are now, who we become... a big part of it is due to our long suffering moms. For that I salute my own mom too!!!


daboss said...

true, true, true...

but what about the stress dads go through??? i really think it's equally bad... ;)

AJ7 said...

Would be interesting to hear 'your' side daboss... ha! ha! An insight from the other side to balance up this view.


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