Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Malaysian Rubberized Time...

I'm one of those people who get quite highly strung when people are late....don't ask me why. And I also prefer to wait for people than have people wait for me. I'm quite a stickler to schedules and appointments. I also tend to get agitated if I am late, even for an unimportant appointment.

But here in Malaysia, punctuality is not exactly our forte. Making people wait or stretching our time is a norm. No one really thinks much about it. Some even make room for it by allocating extra time in a programme to accommodate being late. It happens in informal and formal situations.

To those who take things easy, they'd wonder what the big deal it is... So is it a big deal, this punctuality thing? I tend to think it is...

Anyway...I'm off for my hols.... 8)


Anonymous said...

this shows that you are a type 'a' personality person... me too. :)

people like us make excellent project managers.

go google "type a personality"...

Ning said...

i hate ppl who are late tooooooo

and singaporeans are NO better than msians...

AJ7 said...

Memang pun....Type A. Yup! I've done a couple of tests on myself and the whole brood.. 8) Kinda interesting...
Personality studies have always been one of those things I'm interested in.. 8)


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