Saturday, November 1, 2008

Same thing....all over again!

Public speaking is like drilling for oil……if you don’t strike oil, stop BORING! Interesting don’t you think, the word play here?… Had to sit through a meeting today…. and that’s how it felt. Do we all have a price? It always strikes me that the higher we go (read that as the climb up the work ladder), the more likely we are to get caught in whatever the flavor of the day is. Of course it does not help if the environment we are in is full of skewed principles and values.

We had a meeting today…at a 4-star hotel. Of course we had to pay for the use of its meeting room. If anything is to go by, it was pretty uncomfortable. A meeting without tables…for hours we had to sit….in a room infiltrated by smells and smoke, quite definitely from the kitchen which was just beside; the strongest smell was the ‘ikan kering’ which was being fried. So, can you imagine the hilarity of the situation….we actually paid to be smoked. From the comforts of our own domain we transported ourselves, some more had to pay parking fees for our cars and burn fuel (good thing petrol price is down by 15 sen today) to sit in an air-conditioned room which came with a ‘cold-sauna’ treatment…. came out smelling like 'ikan kering'.

Interesting also to note, during the meeting we were reminded that it’s the time of the year when the SKT is rearing its head again. We were told under no subtlety that those who had been given any APC will not be considered…… Point taken… all one needs to do is to work hard once and you can relax after that cos no matter how you may work your butt off…. you no longer deserve the APC. If this is not promoting mediocrity, I don’t know what is. This is after all, Bolehland!

Sometimes I wonder…why all the fanfare? We are often bombarded with these…For God, Country, etc, etc…all the right things. Yet when it comes down to the actual doing….looking good on the outside overshadows everything. Substance does not matter. It feels kinda crappy, doesn’t it? We profess religious piety, we shout to the world that we do it for our God , country, etc, etc….yet it does not feel so…how come?

I write this with a tinge of …I dunno how to actually express it…but it all comes across as rather superficial. Something for me to reflect on also at the end of the day…… and examine myself!

And oh, today I got myself reacquainted with Shakespeare again......from Othello
O devil, devil!
If that the earth could teem with woman's tears,
Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile.
Out of my sight.


Anonymous said...

another example of wastage and bad planning... bolehland starting to turn out to be bodohland...

Anonymous said...

wah liao, didn't they even bring u some of the ikan kering to eat leh??? :D

AJ7 said...

dunno...think that was for lunch least there was food after the 'torture'. 8)


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