Sunday, March 8, 2009

Medical Outreach 2

One of the ways we feel we can contribute to the people around us is through this. This is the first medical outreach for this year by our church; the second one since we moved into our own premise. We had one last October, our way of reaching out to the community around us and to share the blessings God has given us. James 2:20 ....... faith without deeds is useless.

This one is for women only.... prevention of cervical cancer.. with a free pap smear thrown in for the first 50 people. And we had it yesterday, Saturday.
Kudos to the doc-in-charge....Doc T. And also the team behind her; all those who worked tirelessly to make this work. She is one who puts her mind and heart into this endeavour. For this doc, there's nothing more important than our best effort. And she also managed to get sponsorship for these door gifts for those who came.
Attendance was quite good. Talk was given by Doc T herself and simple enough for a layman to understand. Another doc from TBC did the translation into Mandarin for those not well versed with English.
And these sweet-young-docs gave up their afternoon off to help out. We had a good team of 6 lady docs on duty and a few other male docs on standby as well.
Also the nurses... There was good support from all those involved, right from those who started working the day before to get the place ready to those to got the food ready. This would not have succeeded on the work of one person only. So hand in hand, a common vision, we worked together. There were some hiccups; not uncommon in the organizing and running of any project but it also serves as a learning and training ground for all those involved. After all, working together involves different people... many minds, many ways...

And those bags of door gifts??? .... you get these stuff...
Stuffs to beautify, clean, educate, read, write on a nice paper bag that can be reused. Notice the pink theme? Everyone who went got one, including the men. 8) These were made possible by GSK.

Coming up soon... in June, another med outreach... for both sexes... on what else but the heart!

1 comment:

PreciousPearl said...

wahhh... got free makan summore!


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