Sunday, October 19, 2008

WMC's First Community Outreach Project

The amateur historian in me insisted that other half must record this event so that I can put it in record. Couldn't make it because of my PTK exam. So I asked him to take as many pics as possible and these are his accounts.

This was yesterday morning. I can't ever remember the whole church coming together like this for a project. Did we ever?? So, this is one really good thing out of this new premise. I hope this will be a regular feature...coming together as a big family like this.
This is the medical thingy that I was rambling about earlier. Finally it has come to fruition. We were ambitious...targeting about 200 people. We had hoped to reach out to the community around the area but I guess we did not factor in the apprehension that people might have since this is a church thing. One of the things, us Chinese, associate Christians with is, if one becomes a Christian, then he/she would not be able to carry out the ancestral worship thing...something like that. So the apprehension is understandable.
Dr. T had put in a lot of effort into this. She did a wonderful job, according to Other Half. Even managed to wrangle this out of the drug companies - sponsorship for door gifts. Not too bad...writing pad, medical literature, Gardenia bread, infant milk formula. Great gifts!
Even the youths came and lend a helping hand, add their presence; even though some are sitting for their end of the year exams or getting ready for their SPM/STPM. Their labour of love is noted and appreciated.
But later on, these two flers were seen fleeing the scene of action...LOL! Thought this was kinda funny... actually they were out searching for food.
At the start there were very few people but after the first few, word got around and people from the community started to filter in. I guess the first encounter is always the most difficult. There may be apprehension and perhaps even a little fear of what is not understood. Nevertheless this is a good start. I hope this will be the beginning of better interaction with the community around.
Some random shots of the activities that took place. All in all we had about 70 people who came. The number may be smaller than what we expected but it is a good start. WMC has made her first outreach! 8)
Also a good time for families to have a light moment...JJ and mom. Some day, when they look at this, it'll bring back fond memories.
Young people 'lepak-ing' around. The guy with the paper over his face...he's a bit camera shy! 8)

To sum it up, I see this as a good outreach programme for our church. Coming together, working together, (we were not short of volunteers) reaching's good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks fun...wanted so much to go...


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