Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Other Puppy

The girls say I must also write about Poppy since I have already written about her bro. So they brought both of them to my house this afternoon for them to have a photo shoot session! And now I am putting Poppy into Blogosphere for posterity... 8)
This is Poppy. She is also a cute fler. All puppies are. According to old people, if a puppy is all in there is not a single spot on it, then it will bring good luck. Poppy is one such puppy. She is temporarily under their care until all the necessary jabs are completed. My lil gal likes her more than her bro. But it's hard to get a good photo of an all black puppy..don't know which angle is the best one. So just hentam only-la.
Here they are; bro and sis having a go at the ball under my car. They are cute, aren't they? Chiko is the more aggressive of the two. He is always darting around chasing everything that moves. Poppy is more subdued. She is more regal and ladylike. You can put her on her back and stroke her and she'll fall asleep......There're almost as many dogs as people in the girls' house now. Add that to a tortoise, 2 hamsters and a whole load of fish...they've a menagerie of animals.....can almost run a mini zoo ade! 8)


Hooi Ling said...

Poppy is happy now =)
Ya..trying to make it into a mini zoo,just need a few more WILD animals.Maybe should get papa to search for some when he goes for his 'WALK'.Hehe..

PreciousPearl said...

that lil dawg shore has sticky-uppy hair..... :D

AJ7 said...

i juz learn that eventually they become flat...can tell by watching the bulu on the legs first...


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