Saturday, June 13, 2009

Me and my gal...

... Me and my gal. We went back to Sitiawan, just the two of us. And it strikes me too as how much of a man's world it still is. Cos everywhere I went when I got home, when I said I had driven back on my own with my lil gal in tow, everyone's response was.. 'Wah, so clever / brave, etc, etc...' If I had been a guy, there it would have been a feat not worth any mention.

I think she found it kinda fun. I did. We had 3 full days of visitations (play), catching up and binging. She met up with some of her cousins and friends.
And on our way home, we detoured to Ipoh to visit a cousin of mine whom I have not seen much. All of us are getting along in years... It was a nice visit. If we've had more time, I think we'd probably binged a bit more also.. 8) Ipoh food is supposed to be quite nice too.

On our way home to Alor Setar, Daughter was supposed to help me stay awake... but in the end, she couldn't and doze off fitfully... but she'd still get up sporadically; counted the kilometres for me. That's my gal...

So this hols, me and my gal did something together, just the 2 of us. We went on a little trip together and that felt nice.


daboss said...

i'd go bonkers spending 3 full days alone with my daughter!!!

AJ7 said...

I'd go bonkers if I do that with my Son.

ppearl said...

lol- u 2 r so funny!
the last time Cavebaby and I got to spend 3 days together was when we went to see Lilian Lau in Dublin. Needless to say Capt Caveman does not want to let us do that again...

AJ7 said...

Now why doesn't the good Capt let ma and daughter go on another foray?? He misses the ma or the daughter??

ppearl said...




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