Friday, December 5, 2008

Of crap and crapology...

I'm going to ramble about crap, crapping, crapology, crapologist... nah! I don't mean crap in a vulgar or obscene way... I mean it this way. And don't try looking for the words 'crapology' and 'crapologist'...not in the dictionary. 8) teachers we take lotsa crap these days. From our immediate bosses to the MOE. What kind of crap you might ask?? Well all sorts. From unnecessary reports to mindless meetings, to in-house courses which sometimes amount to just sheer wastes of time and resources....we need to attend a minimum of 7 days of courses now. Supposed to be part of the continuous upgrading of ourselves. Crap from our students who seem to know their rights so well...masyarakat penyayang...students don't do work....cannot punish...must slow talk. Slow talk? In the end, they go sesat, we get fed-up. I punish my own children because I want them to see the error of their ways sometimes. I still believe in the 'spare the rod, spoil the rod' adage.

Crapping.... we do a lot of crapping. Crapping about our SKT(s), the programmes that we purportedly carry out, again mindless reports about this and that... Oh the crapping takes place each time a new idea comes about. Wanna know how much difference smart crapping can do?? Look at the list of the schools which have won the Sekolah Cemerlang awards. The crapping they do....that's one of the main reasons for winning, I guess. I may be wrong but I think I am quite right too!

And crapology... it's an art that all of us have to master. This is the art which will get you farthest. Those who master this art will go further, climb higher and grow bigger. This art teaches us to focus on impression rather than substance. It works on perception and not actual facts. In the end, we feel good cos we think we have done good! We give ourselves a false sense of everything is good and okay!

There are still many good people in the teaching profession but I am beginning to feel that the ones who crap and do more crapping; and who have mastered the art of crapology, the master crapologists, we call them.....they are the ones who are sitting at the helm now. I hope I am wrong..but if I am even half right....guess it also explains the state of most of our schools now. 8(

That is why I am so happy to be on holidays....btw, this crap thingy...don't you get this crappy feeling that our politics is also in the same boat???

1 comment:

Wooodychua said...

I think it's not only in the education system. crapping has become the very blood that runs in Malaysia's veins. Find it in every system. sigh...."Crap Boleh"!!!


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