Thursday, December 18, 2008

Of Pillows and Bolsters...and blankets

Had a conversation with a dear old friend yesterday night which tickled me pink and brought back memories so long ago. (Thank God for technology like Skype which makes long distance communication a breeze) Actually, it was the second time in the same day that the same subject had been a topic of conversation.

Was telling her of poor appetite the last couple of days due to the lack of sleep. Guess what this doc asked??? "Did you bring your pillow and blanket??" LOL! Brought back so many fond memories. This coming from one who was and still is an expert on the subject...her bolster still follows her to work...... so I went to dig my old photos for this.....
With her trusty pillow she could sleep anywhere....everywhere. This was over 20 years ago. We were on a bus, coming back from a MYF Camp, dead tired from 6 days of activities, brown as can be also. The pillow made my lap a comfy sleep zone! LOL! This is one friend who would bring either her bolster or pillow everywhere. And there was one year, I think it was IMYF Camp, everyone of us wanted a go at her pillow. So there we were, a bunch of girls giggling and going for the pillow in the dark.... am trying to conjure up the hilarity of the situation in my mind..... it was at Pangkor, I think.

Yup! Maybe there is something in the 'bantal/selimut busuk' thingy. Cos I had a 6 hour uninterrupted sleep the night I came home. For the nights before, while I was at USM, I averaged about 3-4 hours of interrupted sleep... so Monay, you may be right...let's see how you are going to pack your 'bantal' and bolster into the suitcase when you come home... LOL!


Anonymous said...

wah u still got that photo....erm... my bolster only went to the hospital because, i was hospitalized for 2 days then...hahaha...otherwise I don't take it to work. Though afternoon siesta is a good idea..... but no such luxury.
So next time remember, have pillow will travel...:)

AJ7 said...

Ha! Ha! Afternoon siestas...ah another one which you had to have those days... stand corrected. Yup! Maybe Have pillow will travel but still, you know me-lah. I travel as lightly as possible. 8)

Anonymous said...

OMG! blast from the past!
Monay, u mean u STILL have the very same bolster? .... followed u round the world horrr

AJ7 said...

PP...I think Monay wins hands down when it comes to matter such as bolsters and pillows. Our camps would not be complete without her pillow....right?? Her pillow was a subject of conversation, no??? LOL!!! Wish I could relive those MYF Camp days!

Anonymous said...

PP, unfortunately it's not the same bolster, about 8 years old now, better version, long body pillow kind, soft and extremely huggable ...:) we came with only 2 suitcases....but if i go back, somehow, i must bring it along.....well, now that there's 4 of us, so mebbe, just mebbe, one suitcase can be dedicated to pillows and such...hahaha


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