Sunday, December 21, 2008


Shalom... Today's sermon by Pastor Kuinlan, living at peace with God and each other... agree it is relevant cos life is about relationships. Just thought I'd jot it down here. Peace of heart and mind...they're important if we are to lead happy lives. The speaker put it very nicely.

P - plan to be a peacemaker
E - emphathize with the person
A - attack the problem not the person
C - cooperate to create peace
E - emphasize on maintaining peace

Today is one of the rare days when I actually sit outside with Other Half and not be in the room with my girl. Had a good time catching up with some of the others after service. Also has to do with the fact that all the moms are not stressed up as it is still school holidays. LOL! Also, compared skin tone with WS. He's also painting his house and he's half way thru now. I've got my balcony area to do and I'd be done. Yay!

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